
I read "Cinderella".

There was a girl called Cinderella. 
She had two sisters.
She had been bullied by other sisters.
One day, the sisters except Cinderella went to the party a Prince held. Why didn't go Cinderella? Because other sisters said her to mustn't go the party. 
However, a Witch appeared and gave her a horse, pumpkin carriage and beautiful dress by using magic.
Cinderella went to the party and the prince fell in love.
But time limit  had came. Cinderella's horse, carriage and dress were getting disappear at 12 o'clock. Cinderella went back home left her glass slippers.
The prince began to search Cinderella. 
Cinderella was found.
They married.

I think the witch is very kind. I want to be a princes.

